
5th Anniversary of Red Room - Huge Afternoon and Evening Event

Join us in celebrating the Red Room's 5th anniversary!

11/15, 1-9pm
華山文創園區舉辦 中館3-1
Huashan Creative Park, Zhong Guan 3-1 Warehouse

八德路一段1號, Taipei, Taiwan
No.1, Sec. 1, Bade Road, Taipei

In celebration of all the kind, magical artistry and the quirky, warm souls that have joined together through these past 5 years to support and continuously create the Red Room, we will be celebrating our anniversary on November 15th, 2014.

The anniversary will be held at the Huashan Cultural Park from 1-9 pm. Beginning with Stage Time & Juice activities in the early afternoon, we will follow up with four bands performing live music with food and drink on offer. An R4 production will launch the evening and the rest of the night will follow with a Stage Time & Wine session.

在如此多樣化種類的活動、充滿神奇藝術性、又加入離奇的氣氛、同時不忘了溫馨的心靈,我們和一路支持我們的朋友,齊聚一堂慶祝紅房五週年生日。我們會在 11/15 慶祝週年日。

這 次週年生日會在華山文創園區舉辦,從 1pm - 9pm,從 Stage Time & Juice 下午青年活動,一路到四個現場表演團體演出伴隨著飲料和食物提供。而紅房新廣播劇場也會帶來夜晚表演活動,一直到揭開 Stage Time & Wine 活動。


1:00 pm -3:00 pm Stage Time & Juice
Children are invited to our multicultural platform where they can listen to stories, share their talents and learn from creative-minded people. Come take a seat, sip some juice and share with the Stage Time and Juice family.

Children’s Activities including 蕭爾呈 magician, puppet show, poetry, music and dance.

3:30pm – 6:00 pm Music Bands Performance 音樂團表演

Future Lands (String Quartet)
Young David 青春大衛
Red Cliff
6:10 to 7:00 pm Red Room Radio Redux performance 紅房新廣播劇場表演
“The world is made up of two classes—the hunters and the prey.”

7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Stage Time & Wine
STW is a monthly spoken word event hosted by the Red Room. We meet to sit and listen, beyond language, to what is around us, to the one sharing. We also meet to be heard.
Stage Time & Wine session will be open for registration via this link (http://goo.gl/forms/V7LyMU7egB) or on the Red Room Facebook page.


日期: 11 月 15 日。
地點:華山文創園區,中館 3-1。
時間:1pm - 9pm
在 11/5 前預購門票每張 NT$350。(http://www.accupass.com/go/redroom5)
門口售成人票每張 NT$400。兒童票十二歲以下 NT$300
門票會包含飲料與一份輕食,吃喝將由 Alchemist Superfoods 和 Ron Bar + Cafe 提供, Lutetia, JB’s Diner。

Ticket info:
Pre-register here before November 5, 2014, NT$350 each. (http://www.accupass.com/go/redroom5)
At the door, NT$ 400 per Adult. NT$300 per child under 12 yrs.
Ticket price includes one free drink and one light snack. Food and drink provided by Alchemist Superfoods, Ron Bar + Cafe, Lutetia and JB's Diner