▲台北 X 倫敦 X 舊金山 X 巴黎 X 紐約… 超過100個城市連線丹尼.波爾(Daniel Pearl)是一名成就非凡的記者和樂手,也是位著名的樂評人。2002年任職華爾街日報時,不幸地為了採訪工 作死於巴基斯坦恐怖份子手中。為了紀念丹尼.波爾短暫卻 燦爛的一生,他的朋友在2002年發起「丹尼一日音樂節 」,每年十月在世界各地舉辦,傳遞愛與和平、希望與寬容 的理念。 美國總統歐巴馬更是在每年10月寫下親筆聲明,公開宣揚對丹尼.波爾的悼念。此外,丹尼.波爾的真實故事,也改 編成電影《無畏之心》,由安潔莉娜裘莉擔綱主演,傳神詮 釋痛失丈夫的心碎妻子,精堪的演技獲得美國金球獎及獨立 精神獎最佳女演員提名。 自創始以來,「丹尼一日音樂節」得到各界熱烈迴響,已擴大為國際性音樂活動,已在111個國家進行6700場演 出,世界各地具有號召力的音樂家、藝術家們皆紛紛響應, 台北也是率先參與的城市之一。人們將會永遠記得丹尼.波 爾的精神,相信音樂可以改變世界,人類應該和諧共處! ▲不只是搖滾樂…,藍調、鄉村、雷鬼、爵士以及其它台灣樂迷熟悉的搖滾樂團Grizzly Bear、The Music、Maroon 5、R.E.M.,以及音樂傳奇Elton John、葛萊美獎得主Herbie Hancock等人也曾參與國外「丹尼一日音樂節」演出。 丹尼一日音樂節音樂類型多元,邀請的樂手往往涵括藍調、鄉村、雷鬼、爵士、靈魂樂各種類型,藉此傳達音樂打破種 族隔閡的核心價值。 今年在台灣舉行的「丹尼一日音樂節」即將在10月20日於新成立的台北市客家文化主題公園舉辦,臨近台電大樓捷 運站(延著師大路走到底,約莫5分鐘的路程)。現場共有 兩個戶外舞台,16組知名樂團將輪番上陣,帶來豐富的聽 覺經驗。 ▲最重要的是…活動免費,快來一起當好朋友!最後一個好消息…活動完全免費!我們特別選擇戶外空間舉辦音樂節,所以歡迎大家帶著自由、開放的心來聽表演,你 要在草地上翻滾、蹓狗、野餐,通通ok,記得趕快先將1 0月20日空下來,真是美好的一天!官方臉書:https://www.facebook.com/ danielpearl.tw ▲活動資訊時間 | TIME: 10/20(六/Sat)13:00-22:00地點|PLACE:台北市客家文化主題公園 Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park 臺北市中正區汀州路三段2號 No.2, Sec. 3, Tingzhou Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City捷運|MRT: 台電大樓捷運站5號出口(約5分鐘的路程)入場|ticket:免費! FREE ENTRY!舞台 | stages:兩個舞台 |2 stages樂隊 | bands:16樂團輪番演出風格|styles:搖滾、民謠、藍調、雷鬼、爵士|rock 、folk、blues、reggae、Jazz ▲表演樂團名單(10/5更新)1:30pm Molting Crayfish 蛻皮小龍蝦2:30pm Wild Alibis3:30pm La Cumbia Balkanska(新增)4:30pm T-bone & Yasu5:30pm Shiznits6:30pm Skaraoke7:30pm Dark Eyes8:30pm Aashti 汎絲路樂團Rock2:00pm 昆蟲白 insecteens3:00pm Ever So Friendlies4:00pm Inhuman 非人物種5:00pm .22 (featuring pete holmes)6:00pm 88 Balaz 八十八顆芭樂籽7:00pm Sleaze 湯湯水水8:00pm Blind Acid Date9:00pm We Save Strawberries 草莓救星Taipei, London , Paris, San Francisco, London, New York ... more than 100 cities around the worldDaniel Pearl was a remarkable journalist and musician who worked for the Wall Street Journal. In 2002, he was taken hostage and died in the hands of terrorists. To commemorate his brief but brilliant life, his friends launched "Danny Pearl World Music Days", held around the world in October of each year, spreading the message of love and peace, and tolerance.Each year, the event is strongly supported by top journalists around the world as well as world leading politicians such as U.S. President Barack Obama who typically offers a personal statement. Danny’s life has also been subject to many books and movies, including the "A Mighty Heart" starring Angelina Jolie, a vivid interpretation the heartbreak experienced by Marianne Pearl in the last few hours of his life.Since its inception, "Danny Day Music Festival" to an enthusiastic response from all walks of life, has expanded into the international music events, has 6,700 performances in 111 countries around the world. Musicians and artists all have all warmly responded and Taipei is fortunate to be one of the early participants in this international event, eagerly sharing the message that music can change the world.This year’s event in Taipei will be held on October 20th at the Taipei Hakka Cultural Park near the Taipower Building MRT Station (a five minute walk). There will be two outdoor stages, 16 bands, and numerous performances and dedications. Food will also be available from local stalls and plenty of fresh air and open space for everyone.The event is free and open to the general public. We have chosen this music festival environment to welcome everyone to listen with an open heart. For more information, please visit or official facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/danielpearl.tw
An information site designed to enrich the lives of children of English-speaking families in Taiwan. Making child-friendly events, spaces and activities more accessible for all.
Daniel Pearl Music Day
I've taken the kids to this event a few times. There are always other families there, and it can be fun. The "new to you" charity will be selling some of their donated goods there this year. The venue is really nice, and somewhere I was planning to write about.
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