
Vocal Lesson Recommendation: Sean Wong (Taipei)

It seems I am raising a future blogger.  My son wrote this concise recommendation for his vocal coach: http://cubscouterblog.wordpress.com/2014/08/04/seans-singing-class/

As a mom of a boy who loves to perform, I am feeling extremely grateful for the opportunities that have come by our family this year.  One big spin-off from my son's role in Zeelandia is the connections we made here in Taipei.  Kyle's lessons with Sean Wong is one very good example. Sean is great with kids. He treats them as young professionals. He sets high standards and lets them take part in the decision-making process.

You can contact Sean directly for more information. He teaches children and adults.  info@seancswong.com

Sean's music website for reference: http://www.seancswong.com/