An information site designed to enrich the lives of children of English-speaking families in Taiwan. Making child-friendly events, spaces and activities more accessible for all.
活動日期:2012/8/1(三)至8/4(六),共四天三夜 4 days, 3 nights 活動地點:東北角龍門露營營區(新北市貢寮區福隆里興隆街100號) LongMen Camping Ground (near Fulong) 集合時間:8/1(四)AM8:20~9:00,逾時不候(預計搭乘AM09:24莒光號火車前往福隆)
集合地點:台北車站西三門 Meet at Taipei Stn West 3, for the 9:24 train 活動對象:國小三年級~國小六年級 (民國 89年9月01日後~ 93年8月31日前出生)
(身心健全、男女不限、需能完成游泳25公尺) For 3rd to 6th graders, born between 1990-9-1 and 2004-8-31, need to swim 25 meters
活動內容:由專業教練運用趣味方式提供游泳訓練、單車的操作、跑步的正確訓練,讓小朋友快樂接觸鐵人三項運動。Teach how to swim, bike and run properly for a triathalon.
費用:每人5500元 (含住宿費用、園區門票、臺北至龍門的來回車資、精美TEE恤、設備租賃、結業證書、保險、餐費及點心) Cost 5500/person includes everything
報名限額: 80名。Limited to 80 people
報名日期:即日起至7月18日(三)止。(名額有限,額滿截止) Register before July 18, once full no more registrations will be taken
主辦單位:百事特童裝名店 Sponsored by Best Pals
指導單位: 協辦單位:中華民國鐵人三項運動協會 Run by ROC Triathalete Assn
Four free outdoor performances featuring the Ju Percussion Group and circus acts will take place from July 5th to July 8th at Da-an Forest Park to mark the grand opening of this year’s Festival. From July 26th to July 29th, another four free outdoor performances will be held to celebrate the end of the festival. Also, there will be 60 free community performances during the festival, which will allow visitors to explore the enchanting cultural spaces of Taipei. Open your eyes to fresh perspectives, and let your imagination be transported by the 2012 Taipei Children’s Arts Festival!
For children aged 5 to 10 (born between July 21, 2002 and July 21, 2007) who have a passion for singing or dancing, Taipei Expo Park invites them to sign up for the talent competition—application ends on June 22. Interested youngsters will need to submit a proof of visit to Pavilion of Dreams, their photos, and a performance clip for registration.More information in English here.