
Chinese Poetry for Children - Websites and Books

I've been collecting information about poetry for children in Chinese, and need a place to keep the links, so, here it is to share.  Thanks to my friends for giving me the information!




Teaching Poetry: Poetry Foundation Website

I happened across this wonderful site introducing poetry to children. 

This animation of "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth, read by Dave Matthews is just delightful.  My daughter and I watched it together four times today.  Let me know what you think!


"Best Pals" Training Camp - Little Triathletes (Grades 3-6)

I found this information online. It sounds like a great little camp for the athlete in the family.  All information is in Chinese.  I translated this first page, but please click on this link to get more information.  Sorry, I can't translate it all, but at least you can decide if it's something for your kids before finding someone to help you with registration.
  • 活動日期:2012/8/1(三)至8/4(六),共四天三夜 4 days, 3 nights
  • 活動地點:東北角龍門露營營區(新北市貢寮區福隆里興隆街100號) LongMen Camping Ground (near Fulong)
  • 集合時間:8/1()AM8:20~9:00,逾時不候
  • 集合地點:台北車站西三門 Meet at Taipei Stn West 3, for the 9:24 train
  • 活動對象:國小三年級~國小六年級 (民國 89年9月01日後~ 93年8月31日前出生)

  • (身心健全、男女不限、需能完成游泳25公尺) For 3rd to 6th graders, born between 1990-9-1 and 2004-8-31, need to swim 25 meters
  • 活動內容:由專業教練運用趣味方式提供游泳訓練、單車的操作、跑步的正確訓練,讓小朋友快樂接觸鐵人三項運動。Teach how to swim, bike and run properly for a triathalon.
  • 費用:每人5500(含住宿費用、園區門票、臺北至龍門的來回車資、精美TEE恤、設備租賃、結業證書、保險、餐費及點心) Cost 5500/person includes everything
  • 報名限額: 80名。Limited to 80 people
  • 報名日期:即日起至7月18日(三)止。(名額有限,額滿截止) Register before July 18, once full no more registrations will be taken
  • 主辦單位:百事特童裝名店 Sponsored by Best Pals
  • 指導單位: 協辦單位:中華民國鐵人三項運動協會 Run by ROC Triathalete Assn


Find of the Day: Taiwan Encyclopedia Online (English and Chinese)

This morning, I found this gem of a site by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs.  The Chinese version covers a lot more than the English version, but the English version has a nice list to take through the history of some cultural moments in Taiwan history.  There is also a good amount of information on Religion and Folk Arts.  I'll be using it to help me answer the kids seem to love throwing at me!


2012/07/07-2012/08/19: Dong Shan River International Children's Festival

Bring on the summer! If you find summers in Taiwan hard to get through, you DEFINITELY need to get to Ilan's Dong Shan River and go wet and wild, in a family-friendly way.  There are lots of international acts, water to play in and delicious food to eat.

Here are some pictures from our trip last year.  We stayed for the day.  I was very tempted to stay overnight.  There are many great little guesthouses in Ilan.

Some English information: http://sinotour.com/news/2012yilan-intlchildrenfolklore-folkgame-festival.html

Hours: 8am-8pm daily


Taiwan Public Elementary Schools - Videos of Some "Special" Ones

When looking for public elementary schools in Taiwan, it seems us expats have a bit of a fear of children being subject to hours of "bums in seats", reciting and memorising all kids of facts and data.  I'm happy to declare that not all schools in Taiwan are like this.  To help you find some schools that might have curriculum or teaching methodology that you find more in-line with your expectations, here is a page with 100 "Special Feature" elementary schools around Taiwan, including videos made by students of the schools.

It is all in Chinese.



[2012 July 21] Kids' Talent Show at Taipei Expo Park

Taipei Expo Park, now located at Xing Sheng Park, seems to run ongoing events for children.  July 21st, there will be a talent show.  Every child signed up before June 22 will get a free ticket into My Story Island (an interactive story-telling venue, lots of fun!).  There are about TWD100,000 in prizes on offer, too.

For children aged 5 to 10 (born between July 21, 2002 and July 21, 2007) who have a passion for singing or dancing, Taipei Expo Park invites them to sign up for the talent competition—application ends on June 22. Interested youngsters will need to submit a proof of visit to Pavilion of Dreams, their photos, and a performance clip for registration.
More information in English here.

To download the entry form, visit the Chinese site.


[2012 June 4-6] Polish Puppet Theater Group


克拉科夫偶劇團- Crime and Punishment

Venue: 新北市立圖書館演講廳(新北市板橋區莊敬路62號)  

New Taipei City Library Performance Hall, No.62, Zhuangjing Rd., Banciao Dist., New Taipei City 22042, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Date: June 4,5,6. 7:30pm

Ticket Price: TWD150

[2012, Jun 2] Taipei Artist Village: Exposure 3 Art, Food, and Music

From what I have gathered...

*Dogs welcome
*Outdoor arrangement
*Cheap Drinks
*Noon until 5pm
*22 artists showcasing their work
*Artwork for sale
*Free entry

If dogs are welcome, I guess kids are, too! Seriously, Artist Village is a great space for families to enjoy.  I hope we can make it.

Address: Taipei Artist Village (台北國際藝術村), 7 Beiping E Rd, Taipei City (台北市北平東路7號)
Tel: (02) 3393-7377

Taipei Times article here.